
Thursday, June 30, 2011


This hazy chill, this bitter frost
Its dreary gloom keeps all light lost
Those Greying clouds, their pesky pour
Drench the air with lasting sour.

The natives here, know not a well,
In dour and dark do they dwell
Their strengths are lost and hearts are scared
Their lives a pity, stand wan and bare.

But yonder now, a hope is there
Stalwart, strong, radiant, fair
‘Tis a sacred gift, the wilderness holds
For those who brave a different road

These valiant few see a precious sight
Of nature’s secret elixir of life
One sight of it clears all their gloom
It is; the wild rose in bloom. 

(I wrote this in a night, for the KELS Interclass Poetry Competition... didn't get anything : /
I don't think I can write a better poem than this... Ahhh oh well :(... doesn't stop it from being my fav poem!)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Toy Story 3....

I JUST saw it.... and I'm feeling all sad, nostalgic and sentimental...

It was 1995 when toy story 1 came out, my family and I were in cardiff and there was this HUGE craze wave  with everyone going 'wow' over the new computer animated cartoon out. It was unique, had a great story and was fun to watch over and over and over again...for everyone! I remember it being in the news, those particular toys getting popular at stores...

Years later I saw part 2 in saudia, and it turned out to be a great sequel! Jesse and Bullseye were a perfect addition to the toy story toys. 

And so now, in Pakistan, after 15 or so years I saw the end, the finale: Toy Story 3!

It had a sad touch to it from the start... no Bo, no rc and Andy all grown up! The story was superb as usual, really funny at times... Woody really touches you as a character: brave, loyal, knows what's right... like he says... he's always there for you :')

Buzz's spanish dance was SO hilarious...! And the the way the toys executed out their mission was fun AND funny to watch...

But there are parts that really touch you... like when all the toys hold hands... when Andy's room is all packed up... the way Andy describes all the toys at the end... him hesitating to give Woody to that little girl... and finally when he drives off for college... 

Awwwwwwwwwwwww :'S

They were such powerful scenes with raw, real life emotions being depicted so well!

So good bye Toy Story... and all the wonderful moments I've had with you... It's been 15 or so years, 3 countries... and a college going Andy since 1995.

I'll remember it forever!
Signing off with the tune of You've got a friend in me... in my mind...
Stay Amused!

Friday, June 17, 2011

H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.S. and the House

1 whole month of juicy, squishy, yet to be tasted holidays!!!!!


I sure needed a break from my uni. Last day was a blast. I'll talk about it in another post.

So I've been at my house for a day and I've managed to:

Knock the iron stand down, drop my laptop hard on the floor, boil the milk over and set fire to a kitchen cloth!!

No the neighbours didn't notice anything. 
At this rate by the month's end, I'm probably going to have the house sliced up in shards or burned down to smithereens. Hmm. What's that? No we don't have insurance. And yes I did put that kitchen-cloth fire out if you're wondering.

Amused Medic in the house... the KITCHEN by the looks of it!
So here's to a scrumptious month of much needed hols! Movies, books, more movies, a whack at learning how to drive (come on dad, pleaaaaaase!) and hey I have to get into a sport! Besides sleeping!
To Holidays and my intact-House!
;D Stay Amused!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Reminscence of Yesteryears

Sometimes it's a song. Sometimes it's a place. They light up so many warm, colored memories inside you. Memories you've shared with special people, memories just seen by you. They're just so many flashes, so many good times, jokes you remember laughing at, shows you remember watching together everyday. You have reminscence of innocent, slower days when your laugh used to be pure and true, your smile wide and stretched, your eyes sparkling with life.

Sometimes it's a photo of long gone days. A snowy day in Cardiff...  the annual Alladin play... baking cookies in school... hot fish and chips wrapped in a newspaper roll by Sabahat's dad... their bathtub overflowing with yet-to-be peeled potatoes... gifts from the city mosque on Eid... birthday parties... gold star stickers... dentist visits... cbbc after school... cotton eyed joe... Saturday Night...Wannabe by Spice girls playing loud from the neighbours' radio... library visits every Sunday... going skating down the road infront of my house...  

You just wish... you could close your eyes and go back to those days, hold them tight and warm, never let them go so that they could happen again n again n stay for ever more.

You wish you could tell everuone about those jokes those moments... wish they could laugh and cry with you whilst you recalled.

You shut your eyes. You see those days. You miss those days.

Sometimes... Everybody does.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Beautiful Quote... from a Beautiful Movie

 'What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. I have made the most important discovery of my career - the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reason can be found. I am only here tonight because of you. (Alicia)
You are the only reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.'
- John Nash, played by Russel Crowe
A Beautiful Mind.

(My Thoughts: I have yet to hear a more beautiful movie quote. And yet to see a more flawless, fascinating film. Yes, this is my FAV-est movie... How can you NOT love it!!?? It touches and inspires you in so many ways. :' ) )

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My notes are slipping!

Traumatology, thanatology and special toxicology...

They're like banana peels,
they're like gooie play doh
they're like ... eggs... a wet handle... bubbly soap... :P


Forensic Test tomorrow : /
Flunked my last one : (
And my brain's all mushyyyy : s
Help me !!!

(All these bullet wounds n guns are coooool but the notes...? Ugh a snore! Would have been SO much better if we had an awesome video to watch n learn. Hmmm reminds me of our neat research.)
(Oooo I got a msg that I topped in my medicine ward test that the dreaded north med warders took : D CrRAaazyY ;D I remember this happening:
Sir: Tou ab treatment kaisay karain gai?
Me: [Very seriously] Umm.. We'll give some sort of... drug sir
Sir: Achaaa?! [Stare of the century]
Hehehe the rest went well...It's been years since I've topped. Strange, foreign feeling :P. So yaayyyy there is an upppy!)

Great spirits vs mediocre minds...

‘Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. 
The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’
Albert Einstein

(My Thoughts: WOHOO Spot on!!! LOVE the words! Opposing mediocre thoughts, talks, expressing your own creative views, innovations, your different takes on an issue is tough! People don't like to hear stuff that's against the 'common' view. Thinking independently, going against the norm is hard. You get stares. You get mutters, you get criticism from all those mediocres who can't think for themselves or who can't do anything differently. You get laughed at. But hey after every gloomy night, is a sunrise. It may take months or years, but if you are right... yes the moment does come when you're principle/ view is acknowledged as right. After every struggle of trying to voice out what you believe is the right thing, there will always be someone in that staring crowd, who thinks... hey you know what...come to think of it... she's right.  And if you've inspired someone... even if it's just one person.. all those mutters and laughs and stares and raised eyebrows... become worth it :D Amusing!)    

Friday, June 3, 2011


'Secrets make life interesting. You can be in a crowded room with someone and touch them without touching, just with a look, because they know a part of you no one else knows. And whenever you're with them, the two of you are alone, because the you they see no one else can see.'
-Mumtaz Aurangzeb
From Moth Smoke
by Mohsin Hamid

(My Thoughts:  Honest quote, I guess experienced quietly by all of us once in a while...that being said, personally I hate secrets :P They unnecessarily complicate stuff. Be open, be honest, be public.) 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our Bake Sale!

I've just come back from uni!!!

Our bake sale was AWESOME!!!!

It had been raining for SO long n all of us were thinkin... here's another event that might get bummed.. like Retro... :P But... wohoooo the rain stopped, the weather was hell cool... and hum CHAAAaaa GAI!!
No comparison with the juniors for once!
We sold everything SO fast... all the food items were seriously yummy, games were SO fun (GO SADAF!! : D), everything was coordinated for once. Organisers did a hell of a good job. Ah. Bliss! I'm so happy for our class! It's been years since we've done a cool thing ON the day we're supposed to do it.. :D Great!! GREAAAAAAT!!! ;D ;D

My kebabs actually sold too ;D

So We took part in the treasure hunt... we were told to find a red tag on a red flowered tree along the path... off we went...the 3 of us. Ok first I thought the thing we were looking for might be this kulfa stick stuck in the tree.. but my friends pointed out sense :D We went back to re-hear the hint from Sadaf... went hunting again.... were thiiiis close to giving up... started jokin that we should start pouring our hearts out next to the tree cause we'd failed... when the breeze blew... and from under a leaf... peaked something red.. spotted by ZUZU !!! Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!! 

We won :D

That being said, the only downer were people (actually 1 person) who would get O.V.E.R. in conversing while selling. UGH. Touba haiii. It was high rated BADTAMEZI that's whatSO I.r.r.i.t.a.t.i.n.g! All 3 of us were irritated!!! 
But who cares, all the collections are going to go to a good cause...
Equipment for South Surgical and East Medicine wards... which are both where I had my rotations! Surreal! 

A toast to the awesome-ness of our class! I'm so proud n happy! : ' )


