
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Belatedly Saying...

I've been meaning to get this done but I was too whirled up in uni stuff...
A Big, chunky sparkly

to JEAN!!!!! A new visitor!!! On this blog.. yeah this. And she left a comment. A comment I tell you :P. A wonderful comment, that I'll surely get to replying!! So welcome to my blog Jean!!! :) 
(I almost fainted when I read your comment I was so happy hehehe ) 

and of course a sparkly, flowery ;p 

to Laura!!! for always reaching out when I'm in the blues :))))) Thanksss Laura!!! Your so niceeeee!!!! :)))

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yesterday's class Talawat was SO Brilliant! It was amazing! The rhythm, voice, tone.. perfect! Incredible! I went into reminiscence of Saudia and Harm... 
If you're raising eyebrows hey I had to write about it's awesomeness somewhere... intentionally not being in our class's cheap fb group has its occasional disadvantages!

Hope to hear it again. Praise for the person.

Friday, August 12, 2011


A lot of med students go through a patch when they:

  • feel SAD and DEPRESSED
  • Over whelmed
  • Unsatisfied
  • Angry at themselves
  • Believe that they're losing interest
  • Annoyed with the system/teachers/testing method/the abundant Super-brained mega-efficient nerds
  • Aren't sure where they're headed
  • Doubt their darn memorisation ability

!!I'ma going through that patch right now!!

You said it Droopy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wild over Wilde!

'If a wretched man has a vice it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the droop of his eyelids, the moulding of his hands even.'

- Basil Hallward in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

(My Views: WHAT a book and WHAT an author! Oscar Wilde is, without exaggeration, a genius! The way he plays with words, his witty lines, the honesty behind them... the book amalgam of it all really does sweep you off your feet. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a MUST read! There are so many amazingly intriguing lines in the book... I'll be typin them in now and again on the blog... but as far as the above goes, SO TRUE! I mean haven't you noticed it too? Vulgarity and sin often find there way onto a person's face, their eyes, especially the way they look. Innocence radiates from a person's visage as does the lack. And lolz, I've got examples in my own class as proof :p)