I’m talking about Aisam-ul-Haq.
He’s a tennis player who’s sweated tirelessly and endlessly for years, focussed more on his game than his fame and has worked hard to pedal towards his medal (oo I’m rhyming!). So as Pakistani sport headlines still prefer to swirl around our very talented cricketers (their talent is what I’ve described above), some of which are so lost they don’t know how many times they’ve married and to whom *wink*, Aisam-ul-Haq has silently sweated himself into the doubles men Wimbledon quarterfinal.
Is that awesome or WHAT??
And anyone who follows tennis would know how hard it is to win a match; you have points that earn you a game, games that add to make a set and three sets is what seals the deal. He’s the first Pakistani to make it so far in Wimbledon. He’s even won a double with Roger Federer on the other side(Swiss Open). I know…double gasp!
So hats off to a seriously great sportsman. He’s done all sport enthusiasts in Pk proud. He is awesome, Aisam-ul-Haq is:D and has yours truly as a fan :D
GO GO GO! you can do this AUHaq!!!
I’ve just learned the pair lost their quarterfinal match. :S awwww. But inshalah they’ll get a gram slam cup in their hands soon. They so deserve it.
**shining star**