
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


First of all, belated EID mubarak!

Our Eid goat 'Dora' n Abeer... You can tell Abeer named it :P 
And Yes. Aaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhh!!!!! it is. We have two weeks till our finals.

The last few days, I can’t help wondering again n again:

  1. WHY our med books are sooooo b.o.r.i.n.g.
  2. WHY can’t my brain just effortlessly rote learn like every-single-body-else in my rote learning class that rote learns (every sentence in the book!) like anything- to rote liking teachers
  3. WHY can’t I enjoy studying-again like every-single-body-else of my year (They preferred physio GIT prep to our annual KAPS function. Now, that just says it all!) 
  4. WHY can’t Pakistani cricket ever have stable batting (we have a test match going on hence :P)
  5. No. 1 again
Yep my books are boring. Actually boring is an under statement. They could snore you to death! Totally non vocational n unimaginative. Purple’s a non sense-headings galore… just leaves me fuzzy headed while year2 b.d. anatomy’s fertile with these icky squishy complex details that you HAVE to remember even though you know that they’re all going to head south after your exam. Sigh.

Oh, n our batsmen get batting tips from W.Y. who’s a bowler. Hello.

View since med school started...
I guess I should stop thinking no. 2. I said I wasn’t going to compare myself to anyone around. So.I.shouldn’t. I did measure up to my year 1 finals. And it was this same old, bhaija of mine that went through those same old boring pre clinical books. And it didn’t do bad. In all those vivas n practicals n writtens. Plus it squeezed through all my year2 tests :D

So, ending on a high that my gray matter pal can do it again...

Best of luck old bud, my med-ed muddled brain

May the force, be with you! :P


  1. HA! love that goat. when my sons were just wee little kids...we had a couple of goats. a bearded one...and one with long floppy that one in the picture! aaaah...the memories!

    ...sounds like you just need a BREAK!! medical to be ALOT of info to gather...sink in...soak up...swelling that gray matter to the max, eh??

    ...take a deep breath...ok, now don't forget to let it out...

    ...may the force be with you...stay with you...hang in there! :]

  2. wow! you must be busy...way too busy...i stopped by to see what's going on in your world...but it must be WORK...STUDIES....your last post in need a break! BREATHE!! :]
