
Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Third Year's Here!

Third year mubaaraak!

*&*?!&! Third year!!!

Coughing Patients.Frowning docs.
And me in an overall(Finally!) :P 

Yeah Third year is here wooo!!

The routine's been sort of tough. And ward time a bit confusing. But there's nothing that can replace the feel of stepping into a hospital. :)

My first few days have been humbling. We meet surreal surgeons that just have this aura around them of being all-knowing. And you wonder... will I ever be like that? Humbling. You see poorly dressed patients coughing their hearts out. And you wonder... will I ever know what's wrong with them n give them the best cure? Humbling.

Annnnnyway! After two crazy days of weighing out all our options, zuzu n I have changed our batch. It wasn't planned... fate had it done for us. N considering how many cfs want a batch change but can't get one,we feel real lucky. Lets hope it all goes well!

Oh, n let's not forget our class elections. IQ's our gr, which wasn't a surprise. GO IQ! :D What was, was the other gr candidate! hehe lolz :DD! Made all of us go lol!
As far as cr-ship went, turns out the candidate I'd have liked, didn't win... hence preventing a much needed revolution from happening. Oh well. Everything works out for the best I guess. And everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves. :)

I'm down with flu, temperature and a sore throat. With that, here's to the start of a new year. I hope it goes well! (...goes off the gargle with hot water....) 


  1. first off...feel better...hopefully it doesn't linger, cause it sounds like you're not going to be able to get much rest!
    Happy Third Year! should be exciting...hey! by the way...are you specializing? what kind of Dr? oh, i know...the best!
    and how much time to go???

    good luck! you'll do great! just go with your gut...instinct...and knowledge! :]laura

  2. ps - ever watch HOUSE?? (i love that arrogant, stuck up, genius of a guy Dr House!)

  3. We've got five years of undergrad study, and then 12 months of residency. The residency is when we've got to choose, so plenty of time to think 4 specialisation :)
    Thanksssss so much laura :) You're the best!

  4. LOL... yeah I've seen house!!! I love it too but it hasnt been aired for a while, so I've compensated with Bones n Gray's Anatomy :D But I've been meaning to buy a few House dvds!

  5. this is your 3rd year of the 5 year undergrad? and then just one more of're almost there!! soooo, what do you think?? what seems to draw you in? any specialty? are you leaning toward anything yet? or just seeing how it goes...??

    ((probably shouldn't spend too much time watching House anyway...he's brilliant but has such a terrible 'bed side manner' ha!)) :]laura

  6. hehe, I'm completely at sea as far as the specialisation thingy goes :P... but one thing's for sure, anything BUT gynae ;D

  7. hahahaaaa....completely understand that one....
