
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wild over Wilde!

'If a wretched man has a vice it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the droop of his eyelids, the moulding of his hands even.'

- Basil Hallward in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

(My Views: WHAT a book and WHAT an author! Oscar Wilde is, without exaggeration, a genius! The way he plays with words, his witty lines, the honesty behind them... the book amalgam of it all really does sweep you off your feet. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a MUST read! There are so many amazingly intriguing lines in the book... I'll be typin them in now and again on the blog... but as far as the above goes, SO TRUE! I mean haven't you noticed it too? Vulgarity and sin often find there way onto a person's face, their eyes, especially the way they look. Innocence radiates from a person's visage as does the lack. And lolz, I've got examples in my own class as proof :p)


  1. Your post has piqued my interest. Love your title. Oscar Wilde had such depth of expression. Would you say the actor, Ben Barnes expresses this depth? Hope to see his film soon.

    An Aside: I have wandered over from ForestWalkArt to say I had a similar internet connection problem--tech said it was going in- and out-of-sync. After multiple complaints where the DSL provider actually monitored my line and verified this sync problem, a repairman found the problem source.

    Fortunately, the problem was outside--where my individual fiber optic connected to the main junction box about one-half a mile away.

    What a relief to finally have a solution! Maybe this might apply in your case or give you hope to keep seeking a solution where the provider can observe your problem to isolate the source.

    Have a great day. Will follow and explore your blog. Used to coach youth soccer... And need to learn more about cricket. Like very much the structure of your blog, your expert use of syntax and vocabulary, use of labels and, of course, photos!!! Chow. Jean

  2. ...funny how we run into people we know...all around the

    i know this book...but am not sure if i've ever read it...but i'll look into it...either book or movie it seems we like the same...

    hope you're not working too hard...and are conquering all those studies! :)
